All prices in USD
My Exact Freelance Scaling Strategy
Get my exact framework for scaling to $400k/year freelancing with 6 in-depth trainings
6 Week Action Plan
Hit your biz goals in as little as 6 weeks with actionable assignments designed to help you sign more clients, make more $$$, and run your biz like a professional.
Toolkits & Templates:
Get immediate results with ready-to-use templates and step-by-step tutorials, including a proposal template, cold email scripts, onboarding handbook template, portfolio template & more!
Marketing Plan:
Kickstart your freelance success with a marketing plan, helping you get crystal clear on how to attract your ideal clients.
Personal Feedback:
Receive expert feedback on your sales pages, marketing, and client emails — no more second-guessing your work.
Exclusive Community Membership:
Here, you can share your wins, tackle obstacles, get invaluable peer-to-peer advice, & make your new freelance besties. Freelancing can be a lonely road, but this community 100% has your back!
Mini-Course Library:
Self-study deep dive mini course library with bonus lessons and guest workshops.
12 Month Access:
To recordings, community and program materials.
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Extra Discount:
If you pay in full the price is $500.00 off!
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"This program has hugely EXCEEDED my expectations! The amount of templates and tools is incredible. It's so nice to have guidance, as well as a pretty damn good community to share the experience with!"
- Pauline P.
"Investing in this program has been the best decision for my career. Regardless of where you are in your freelancing journey, this program will transform your perspective and empower you to charge confidently for your worth. The welcoming community adds an invaluable layer of support. Think of it as an express ticket to your growth. It's an absolute game-changer."
- Ana B.